Welcome to my first page!

Hello, my name is Jamie and I'm from Lancaster The Red Rose City Pennsylvannia, USA.

I'm a 16 year old female, 5'3"

And a Quarter

(heh, that quarter makes a difference...3 more, and I qualify to be a Rockette!) with blond hair, and blue eyes. I plan to pursue a degree in Secondary Education, specializing in the Chemistry field; and a minor in foreign language education.

Now would be a good time to discuss hobbies. I love the theatre, traveling, and languages. I enjoy the theatre in both seeing it and being a part of it...though I haven't gotten a major role yet...I'll still keep trying. Traveling has been a hobby which my mother got me interested in. I've been to plenty of places in the US, including some of my favorites, like Hawaii, Las Vegas (where my dad's parents live!!!), Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (Where I got to go hang-glinding!!!) and my favorite city New York!!!

When I'm in New York, I enjoy frequenting the musicals, getting autographs (my best include Glenn Close, Mark-Linn Baker, Nathan Lane and Robert Cuccioli, who is mentioned later!), and visting the BEST theme cafe "The Jekyll and Hyde Club" (57th and 6th)!

I've also visted London, and other areas of England, where my aunt lives!!! This summer I will be visting Europe on a trip with a company named American Music Abroad where I will have to literally sing for my supper. We will be visting Germany, Austria, Belgium, and France! Which brings me to my last hobby, languages. I love to learn other languages, because I think that America is so ethnocentric, so I try to pack my schedule with all the languages I can! I'm in my third year of French, my first year of Spanish, and I took a year of German...though I would also like to learn Italian and Russian. I love to learn about different cultures. I find myself mostly open-minded about things, and I can understand other cultures very well. I already am learning some things from my pen pals...and of course my two favorite English Pals- SIME and Truro (opps, I mean Tulyar, that's what it is now, after it was English Prince!), who have started their own backdoors thing called the English Mafia, which I'm a part of!!!

I'm appreciating the net more now, because SIME and I conversed over the phone and I recieved a $114 phone bill!!! Tulyar called me once, but he's a very shy guy! (I know ladies, how cute!!!) I don't mind picking up the tab, after all, the accent is worth it! (You Americans know what I'm talking about!) Go visit their homepages, they also love the Simpsons as well! There's SIME's and Tulyar's. There is also SIME's best friend/Tulyar's bro. Danny Boy (Though I don't think he likes me...).

I love to chat in L'Hotel, especially Chatter. Ever since I was little I have always been called a "talky girl", so the name stuck and if you talk to me you'll understand what I mean!

Now for the family part. I absolutely love visiting my dad and his wife. There is also my best friend Leslie, who I consider my "sister" because we are so much alike. About me personnally, I live with my mother and my two dogs Ladie (white Spitz), Nicole (black toy poodle-mom's dog!), my Malaysian Box turtle named Nuby (pronounced--New-bee) and my Beta fish who I call "Ma Chouette"* (which is french for my little cabbage...heh, it's cute!) It may seem like we have a lot of pets, but I really want a cat!!!

* . News flash on this evil fish! I have a two and a half gallon tank which I put the Beta in. Well, I thought that he looked lonely, so I decided to get him a friend. When I went to "That Fish Place" (that's the name!) they were closing, so I picked a pretty fish. Well, she told me that the fish will get to be about ten inches and will eat everything in the tank. Well, I got him anyhow and figured that when he got bigger I would put him into the ten gallon I have. Well, after a day I saw that the Beta was eating the Oscar (that's the garbage disposal fish) so I cleaned the tank and he was put in the ten gallon. Then I got a couple of tetras because someone else told me I could put that type of fish in the tank, well the beta ate one of those! So, I got a little fish bowl just for him! So, now I have three tanks!!

I would love to own a duck and another place I like to shop at is Peace Frogs, because frogs are so cool!!! Well, that concludes the family portion.

I work at a store called Spencer Gifts, which I know many people like to shop in there!!! I put a neon shark on lay away!!! It'll go above the tanks!!! Check it out on the Spencer's Gifts page!

I absolutely love the musicals written by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg!!! They have written three so far, Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and the baby now, Martin Guerre.My favorite is Les Miserables!!! This will sound weird, but my favorite character from the show is Inspectuer Javert. I've seen Les Miz seven times now, and I must say that the new Chris Innvar is doing a wonderful job as Javert, but Robert Cuccioli was the best!!! I met him twice when his show came to Hershey...He is now staring in the brand new Broadway musical, Jekyll and Hyde by Frank Wildhorn. I've seen many shows on both Broadway and West End..now my minds blank, so I'll find something to write about later. BYE! *kisses*

Links to my Favorite Places:

Javert homepages
This is for those of you interested in Les Miserables!
English Mafia
Go on and join...I'm a member and I'm not even English!
Spencer Gifts
This is just a sample of the stuff found at Spencer Gifts!
The Park
If you would like to send a poor little girl some flowers, here's the place to get them free!
City of Truro!
This is Truro's site...enter at your own risk!

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